NickMom Makes Even Farting Jokes #MotherFunny

Am I the only mom who doesn’t think fart jokes are funny?  Because sometimes I could be confused with an alien at my dinner table when Joe and the boys are bending over from laughter and I am just sitting there rolling my eyes.  Who would’ve guessed I would get some understanding from Nickelodeon and their new site?  I am not alone after all – while perusing I saw this:

If this is not #MotherFunny, not sure what is!

I know at least one other person in the world feels my pain.

I tend to be on the “I take myself too seriously side.”  I am not a funny person … my sister is the naturally funny one and growing up she would steal any show with her comedic relief.  Her wicked comebacks still crack me up today.

Hubby Joe’s humor is of the repetitive kind.  To him, if he repeats a joke over and over again he believes I will eventually find it funny.  I don’t.

But to my boys any story involving a bodily function is hysterical!  To them, there is nothing funnier than toilet talk.

Now, I want to connect with my boys and their scent of humor but I feel the level of our conversations just go down the drain as we flush out some good puns.  This is my lame attempt at funny:

So I went to, searched for fart talk, and found some pretty #MotherFunny things even I could laugh at:

Because really, how many times hasn’t this happened? And how awkward is it if someone laughs?

Then I came across this one and I burst out laughing because Dreamer did this recently.  It was so bad he levitated.  He found it “halaris.”  Me? Not so much.

These were cute, but I have to say the funniest fart pictures are the ones were dad is the butt of the joke (slaps herself on the thigh due to the ingenious pun.)

Check out the smoke cloud coming out of dad.

I shouldn’t take this any farter though.  So I guess NickMom has taught me some fart jokes can be easier to digest than others.  And next time one of my kids ask: “Mami, pull my finger”  I might just oblige.  Because this is the reaction I get:

And even if I don’t particularly think it’s funny, what mom doesn’t want their kid to think their mom is halaris?

For more #MotherFunny pictures, jokes, and cartoons go to or the NickMom Facebook page.  You can also check their programming just for moms beginning at 10:00pm EST.  Have fun!