I can’t believe it’s December 5.  I am in complete denial, and yet I have already done so much in the last five days.  I feel frantic. I feel as if it’s impossible to do everything. I guess I feel stressed out.

This is not a feeling I get very often and so it’s unfamiliar.  I sat in front of my screen having no idea of what to write about but my lack of writing this week on my blog has not gone unnoticed.  Sure, I have plenty going on to write about, plenty I need to write about, and here I am not writing about either.  So I am posting this instead.

It’s not a matter of taking a break or reprioritizing.  It’s not like I am procrastinating, it’s just simply that there is no time right now to unfrazzle.  I need a good long swim to clear my head.  So, as I figure out how to do this, forgive me for the lack of posting.  In the meantime, you can read some of my essays from the past.

You will be hearing from me soon … just not today, and I thought I should let you know.