Romero Chiropractic To The Rescue

When I walked into his office for the first time in September 2010 I could barely walk. Every step I took hurt; I had done something weird to my hip.  I had never been to a chiropractor and was, frankly, a little skeptical.  They say pain is a great motivator, and pain is what led me to Dr. Romero.  By the time I left his office, I was walking pain free again.  I know it sounds like a hoax, but I promise it was not.

I have been visiting Dr. Romero since that September and his help has been invaluable.  An athlete himself, he’s an avid cyclist and runner, Dr. Romero understands the strains I put on my body when my training ramps up, and helps me be as prepared as possible.  I have gone for stiff necks, pulled back muscles, plantar fasciitis and all kinds of kinks and quirks my forty year old body feels.  Sometimes in one adjustment, my problem is fixed, other times it takes two or three adjustments for things to finally settle.

Dr. Edgar Romero, from Romero Chiropractic, is a Chiropractic Neurologist.  He uses different techniques with the sole goal of getting you to feel better – quicker.  His training in neurology makes him an expert in brain disorders such as vertigo, autism and AD/HD, however, Dr. Romero’s expertise also expands to kinesiology and nutrition.

I am not a huge fan of adjustments – when he twists and contorts your body and all things crack.  I am particularly terrified when it comes to my neck and I tense up each and every time.  Knowing this, Dr. Romero is a pro at distracting me (I won’t tell you how) and just helping me get through it.  After being adjusted I see Carmen, his massage therapist.  This is not a relaxing massage, it is focused on the area of pain and meant to help the adjustment settle.  With my plantar, Carmen would dig deep in my heel and then use a machine to help break up the scar tissue in one of those “hurt so good” moments.

I’ve also seen Dr. Romero when I just don’t feel right though nothing actually hurts; when I have low energy levels, or when I think my training results just aren’t adding up.  He tests me for viruses or deficiencies, asks me about the volume of training, nutrition and gives me either a vitamin supplement or something homeopathic that can help fight a virus if that is what I have.

I do see my “regular” physician.  Fortunately, I tend to go once a year for a check-up, and I feel as though I have to defend my training.  She is great, but she doesn’t understand why in the world I train the way I do and thinks I am a little nuts (though she hasn’t sent me to a shrink … yet). Dr. Romero’s approach is different.  He totally understands the drive to train, the intensity of races and instead encourages you to do more.  He helps you to be able to do whatever it is you want to do instead of shaking his head in disbelief.

The best part is that now Dr. Romero is officially one of TriathlonMami’s sponsors and I have the luxury of being able to go in for a tune-up or consultation before things actually hurt or before I feel very tired.  If you are in the Miami area, I couldn’t recommend him enough.  Here are the details for you too, to benefit from Romero Chiropractic:

Dr. Edgar Romero
1960 SW 27th Avenue
Miami, FL 33145
(305) 445-3130
He also sees patients in Boca Raton.  If you call him, make sure to mention you read about him here at cracking!