Wanting To Be Better

We had a nightmare flight back to the US from our vacation in Europe. When we were finally on our way (for real now), it was late and I was half asleep with Fearless passed out on top of my legs. We were in one of those older planes with a tiny screen in the center of the aisle so that you need to cock your head in a weird angle to be able to watch. I was not to enthused by the screen nor the movie: Worlds Away, from Cirque du Soleil.

I’m not into the circus, nor do I spend money to go watch Cirque du Soleil when they come by Miami. I didn’t even know they had a movie out, nor would I have gone to the theater to see it. But even I can recognize how amazing the show is. I didn’t have access to headphones so I would look at the screen in my half asleep zombie state. Even then, I was so enthralled by the beauty, the colors, the precision and the sheer talent of the actors. Some incredibly creative and daring people had to come up with the scenery, story, and acrobatic sequences.  All I could think is that I wanted to be like them.

Not that I am nearly as talented, so its not that I believe I can put forth that quality. But I want to give my craft the best I of me. Those guys must have spent hours and hours thinking, experimenting, creating, practicing, and filming. It must have been a labor of someone’s ultimate love. Sure … it took hundreds of people to put the show together from actors, to set designers, to make-up artists. No one alone could have done it. But what am I putting out there? What’s the quality and effort behind what I do?

I’m afraid I fall short. I am not a nit-picking perfectionist. I would rather have something done well than wait around for it to be done perfectly. Good enough rules my world. I don’t have an editor to fix my grammatical errors, nor do I have a technical support crew that can make the site do the things I wished it could.  So what comes out in this blog reflects the extent of what I am able to do … at this point in time.

But I want to do more.

I feel like I think a lot. I have hundreds of ideas in my head and posts written while I train. I have even more intentions of things that would be nice to do for others, and items that go on my to-do list. I rarely get to any of them.

Yet summer is ending, the boys are going back to school and I am not teaching anymore. I made a bet that with the time I will now have available, I will begin a new writing/blogging career.  And hopefully that means I won’t cringe as I sometimes do when I read a post two months later because I will have had more time to work on it.

Yet in order to grow, and to deliver quality content that you would be interested in reading, I need your help. Other than what Google Analytics tells me I don’t know who you are, or what you like. So I created a five question survey that will take you LESS than five minutes to answer. The answers will just help me focus my efforts. If you want to leave a comment telling me more about who you are and what you like … those are more than welcomed. But if you are short on time, a quick visit HERE would be very much appreciated.

I hope I can count on you… the link for the survey is:

Triathlon Mami Survey Here

Nothing in life is easy. At least nothing that is worthwhile and I am willing to do work.

I thank you for your time and sincerity.

ps. If I could figure out how to embed the survey I would … but learning HTML coding is also on my to-do list!