#plankadaychallenge Review

If you see the “pages” of my blog, up there, on the main navigation bar, yep, there, the boring grey one, you will see I have a section on #plankaday videos.  I somehow got involved with this on Twitter and it has become a part of my daily routine.  Planks are fabulous and now, if you see below, they work the muscles that I need to work on the most.  

A year ago, the last time I actually tried a plank and counted how long I lasted, 30 seconds was huge.  Nowadays, I am doing 2:30 and trying to increase a bit each day.  They are getting easier and I am getting better in no lesser part thanks to my Tweeps (twitter peeps) who keep me in check.  So two bloggers (www.runningandbakingohmy.blogspot.com and www.roadrunnergirl.com) upped the ante a bit and created the #plankadaychallenge.  For our little group, it meant planking once an hour, for twelve hours.  I try to plank with others first because it is more fun, but second to show people that if I can do this, seriously, anyone can.  Fortunately or unfortunately, this challenge took place the two weeks my boys are in Summer Camp and I am still not back to work at school.  So I went about my day and here is my challenge in twelve pictures. Each plank was about 1:00 minute.

7:00am – Plank with my Tri2One team after a grueling swim practice.

 8:00am with a grumpy Fearless

9:00am – At camp drop off, Dreamer, age six, took the picture and I am suremore than one person thought I was crazy.

10:00am – At bootcamp, probably the hardest plank as my arms were shaking

11:00am – At home, after bootcamp. Dead.

12:00 – After a shower, I forgot to take picture doing it. Duh

1:00pm – At camp

2:00pm – I found some of the camp volunteers, all teenagers and got them to plank with me

3:00pm – With Fearless still at school

4:00pm – Back at home after almost planking at CVS.  But I live in a small island and well, I was just a tad embarrassed to plank at the store.  I later saw a picture of someone’s mom planking at a Starbucks! I am guessing next time I will be planking at CVS.

5:00pm – I spent the next two hours trying to get the boys to go to the beach but they were exhausted from a full day in the sun.  I finally conceded the rest of my challenge would be done at home and photographed by Dreamer.

6:00pm – By now, I was tired and just getting through the plank to finish the challenge.  I had envisioned a super nice picture on the sand but alas, it wasn’t worth fighting with my kids for it.  This one would do just fine.

I am still learning how to use social media, I cant format pictures on this post for the life of me, it was the first time I was using Instagram, and I would constantly forget to tag what I had to tag, but for my first challenge I was pleased.  It was fun seeing everyone else going through the same process and to see how well they did. But I was done with planking, and if I lay down on the floor again today there is a chance I might just collapse and not get back up!